Paddle Wheel Aerator/ Kincir Air Tambak Type KB, 1HP, Tai Yih Sun, Taiwan

Kincir Air Tambak/ Paddle Wheel Aerator "Tai Yih Sun", Made in Taiwan
Type KB-002 (Bevel Gear)
Premium Quality 

●New design for lower power consumption-
TAI-YIH SUN low power consumption paddle wheel made by many years of researching & designing the latest energy saving to produce the same Q'TY of dissolved oxygen and the same length of water flow compare generally-purpose paddle wheel. (the old type) with saving 25% ~ 30% power consumption.
●High efficiency and long life -
TAI-YIH SUN low power consumption gear based on the use of helical gear, and bevel gear to have the most labor-saving function and produce the greatest torque. so that TAI-YIH SUN paddle wheel operating can be more labor saving and power saving at the same time to increase efficiency and longer machine life.

Informasi pemesanan satuan maupun dalam jumlah banyak (harga khusus)

PT. Sun Perkasa Indonesia
Jl. Lodan Raya No. 2, Ruko Lodan Center Blok R3A, Jakarta Utara.

Ria Lestari
Phone : 085213959688
WhatsApp : 089635805756 
Email :


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